Naturesbackgroundphotography’s Weblog

Happy Holidays! =)
November 26, 2008, 3:31 am
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I dunno know about you… but little boys like these make my heart melt. Guess what else is so special about these little guys? IT IS THEIR FIRST CHRISTMAS! =) How fun is that!!! Each one of them had a personality all of their own… (And each one pee’d on dad…hehehe=)) Anyways just wanted to share of few of these cutie patooties with you to start off your holidays with a smile on your face!







“It’s a beautiful life…” =)
November 21, 2008, 1:54 am
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OMG… I got permission from FISHER to use their most popular song from TLC (The Learning Channel) for the homepage of my website. Every since I can remember, I have never been a T.V. watcher. I do however have control of the remote on Monday nights from 8:00-10:00. This is the night that I have for me. I do not take appointments at these times, I do not pick up or drop off kids at sporting events at this time and I do not get asked to do anything in our house because everyone knows it is moms favorite T.V. night, and they will get their head bit off if they even ask for my attention. Keep in mind I watch no other television the rest of the week… NONE!  My favorite shows are “John and Kate plus 8” and “Little People Big World.” These shows are my therapy for the upcoming week. I love them… so I was equally excited when I was granted legal permission to use the song from these episodes from the band. Anyways if you haven’t watched them… you should set aside a Monday night to hop in your pajamas early and curl up with a blanket on the couch to watch. I promise you’ll get lots of laughs!  =) Go ahead… Check out the site…It will make you want to dance in your chair…

November 13, 2008, 3:18 am
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These are just a few from one of our $50.00 sessions that we are offering through November.  These kids were funner that fun. I love the “real” smiles that were captured, and the playfulness of the whole shoot. Children sure have mastered the art of living life. They know how to get caught up in the moment and show true character. A wonderful treat to a photographer!!! Kim, I love your kids!

You will have to wait to see the awesome christmas cards from this session. (we can’t spoil this families mailing for the holidays.) While on the subject… Visit our studio for some custom greeting cards that you can’t find anywhere else. Why go to a professional photographer to get what you can get from wal-mart? I can’t wait for the 2008 holiday cards to be floating through the mail… We have created some awesome ones! We promise to deliver to you one-of-a-kind cards that your friends and relatives will talk about till next christmas.







Our Gift to You…
November 5, 2008, 2:57 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

What better gift this holiday season, than photographs!

As our gift to you, the entire month of November you pay only a $50.00 sitting fee! That’s $25.00 off the original price. Perfect timing if you’ve been thinking about custom designed christmas cards or gift certificates this holiday season. Space is limited… call soon to schedule or your gonna miss out on this wonderful deal. THINK OF IT AS AN EARLY CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOURSELF… YOU DESERVE IT!


Oh yes… and don’t forget to tell your friends about it… Spread the JOY!